Mice are natural predators that provide food for many wild animals. Birds, snakes, and lizards are some of the more prominent predators of mice.
Rodents are highly adaptable creatures in the human world, often taking residence inside our homes. But there are steps you can take to keep your furry friends safe from potential hazards like rodents.
Seal Up Cracks And Holes
There are many ways to keep rodents out of your home. One of the most effective measures is sealing up any cracks and holes around your house. Rats and mice can squeeze through even small openings, so make sure your house is securely shut.
Another way to keep rats and mice away is by eliminating their food sources. This includes taking away garbage cans and any rotting food stored outdoors or in your yard. Additionally, make sure pet and bird food aren’t left out or accessible for rodents as well.
Mice are especially destructive to homes, chewing through walls and insulation to wreak havoc on wiring and plumbing systems. Not only can these damages lead to fire hazards, but they may also spread diseases that have no cure.
A professional pest control company can inspect your home and identify the most effective method for eliminating rodents. Once they’ve identified the issue, they can treat it with traps and sprays that don’t harm pets or children.
Furthermore, they can secure any potential entry points with animal wire. This consists of re-sealing holes, cracks, vents, and construction/builder’s gaps so that animals cannot return.
If your basement or garage is susceptible to mouse infestation, clearing away clutter and boxes from these spaces will make them less inviting and make them unattractive for mice. As a result, they won’t want to stay there.
Keep Your Pet’s Food Out of the House
Mice are a ubiquitous pest in the United States, wreaking havoc on your home and pets while spreading diseases and contaminating food supplies. Unfortunately, mice also make for great pet food!
One of the best ways to prevent mice infestation in your home is to keep pet food away from the house. Never leave food out overnight and store it in a sealed container to prevent access by mice.
Keep your pet’s food out of the house to protect your family from ingestion of any hazardous chemicals that might be lurking in their bowl or eating scraps. Narcotics (like marijuana) are toxic to dogs and cats and can lead to life-threatening illnesses if ingested.
Other foods to keep out of your pet’s reach include chocolate, xylitol, gravy, and any sweet treats that don’t contain whole wheat flour. Eating these can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and other health issues if your dog or cat consumes them.
If your pet is eating dry food, try placing their meal in a bowl and leaving it outside on the ground where mice won’t be able to find it. Alternatively, set up a trap for quick capture and release of rodents.
Mouse traps can be purchased at most hardware stores. These devices emit ultrasonic beeps or whines to deter rodents and make it difficult for them to enter your house.
Eliminate Nesting Sites
Mice are nocturnal animals that seek shelter in warm, dark places. Their favorite hiding spots include wall voids, crawl spaces, warm cavities beneath appliances, and pantries with easy access to food. Mice can enter your home through small cracks as small as 1/4 inch.
To keep mice away from your home, you must eliminate any nesting sites they may be using. These could include small piles of shredded paper or cardboard, pet hair, and insulation.
You should also inspect your garage, laundry room, and mud room for potential nesting materials. Throw out any old rags, cotton or polyester batting, foam rubber insulation, rags string, and anything else that could serve as a mouse breeding ground.
Furthermore, trim overhanging branches that provide cover and access to buildings. Remove loose-stacked building material, lumber, feed bags, as well as anything rodents may hide in or under like mulch piles.
Rats and mice can gnaw through wood, soft metals, and wiring, creating a fire hazard and damage to electrical equipment. Furthermore, they have the tendency to chew through insulation and other building materials, leading to serious structural issues.
Mice can contaminate pet foods by feeding on urine and excrement. The best way to prevent a mouse infestation is to store your pet’s food in airtight containers and clean up spilled meals promptly.
If you have noticed signs of rodent activity in your home, such as droppings, gnaw marks and musky odors, act now! Block off any potential entry points like plumbing pipes or baseboard heating with steel wool plugs to stop them from coming back in.
Use Traps
There are many ways to eliminate mice without harming your pets. One option is trapping the animals. There are various types of traps you can use, such as snap traps and live traps.
These traps are effective for getting rid of mice and will keep them away from your home until you release them. You can purchase these traps at any hardware store, making them a great alternative to poisons.
Before setting a trap for mice in your home, first, identify where they are entering and exiting. You can do this by looking for droppings or other evidence of their presence.
Once you’ve identified the entry points, place traps near them and secure them to prevent future rodents from coming in. You can also place them in corners, eaves, and other areas where you believe mice may be entering your house.
Mice can be a nuisance because they carry bacteria and other microorganisms that spread diseases. Mice may contaminate food items in your home, leading to illness for family members or pets.
Traps come in many varieties, from snap traps and multiple catch traps to glue boards and electric traps. Most traps are safe for people and pets while killing mice quickly and humanely.
Traps are typically more effective if you use multiple of them. Place the traps close together, every 5 to 10 feet for mice and no further away than 20 feet for rats, and move them regularly if they don’t catch any mice.
Peanut butter, cheese or other foods can be used as bait in mouse traps. A sticky bait such as sugary peanut butter or chocolate candy works best to attract mice into the trap.