If you’ve been trying to figure out how to make a dog stop barking, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are ways to stop your dog from barking. You can start by making sure that the triggers that lead to the behavior are removed. You can also use a command such as “quiet” to tell your dog to stop barking. This method can be quite effective and will help you keep your home and neighborhood safe.
What To Do And How to Make a Dog Stop Barking
Training Your Dog to Respond To “Quiet”
One of the first things you’ll need to do is to teach your dog to respond to “quiet.” This command requires repetition and patience. You should reward your dog for being quiet at least three times a day. Repeat this process a few times a day, and don’t yell the command.
After the first repetition, wait a few seconds. Then, blow the whistle again. This time, make sure to blow the whistle harder and more vigorously. After your dog responds, use positive reinforcement and continue practicing the whistle command. Eventually, you can phase out the verbal command.
Once your dog responds to “quiet,” you can introduce other rewards. Dog biscuits are a good option. American Journey grain-free lamb treats are another great treat for your pooch. Toys and other items can also be used as rewards. Training your dog to respond to “quiet” can help prevent unwanted behavior in the home.
When training your dog to respond to the quiet command, it’s best to practice frequently in a quiet environment. Choose a simple command – a phrase or word that your dog will understand – and make it consistent. For example, you can say “speak” before “quiet” to make your dog associate the word with positive behavior. You can even use hand signals or a verbal cue to encourage your dog to respond to the quiet command.
Eliminating Triggers
There are a number of methods to eliminate triggers that cause excessive barking. The first method is to eliminate any situations that cause your dog to become stressed. For example, if you leave your dog alone for long periods of time, he might bark uncontrollably. This method requires a thorough investigation and may require videotaping.
Another method to eliminate triggers is to change your dog’s routine. For example, if he barks because he’s bored or compulsively, switching the routine can stop the barking. Similarly, if he barks when he hears a doorbell ring, changing the sound can distract him. You can also call him inside from the yard to prevent him from barking when the school bell rings or when kids arrive home from school. This is a form of counter-training.
You can also use negative reinforcement. By removing your dog’s motivation to bark, you can easily teach him not to react to the trigger. Instead of rewarding him for barking, you can give him a treat whenever he stops on command. Try varying the distance between the stimulus and the dog, gradually reducing the distance to which he reacts.
Ignoring Barking
Ignoring your dog’s barking may seem counterproductive, but it is a powerful tool for curbing overarousal in dogs. By placing your dog in a distant location, you will allow him to focus on other triggers without barking. Instead of yelling and barking, you can reward him with food or attention when he stops barking.
Barking can also be triggered by environmental factors. If you respond to the behavior, your dog will continue to attempt it to regain its previous reward. If you ignore the barking, your dog will be more likely to continue the behavior to get attention. However, this tactic will not always work. If you want to get your dog to stop barking, you must be patient and train your dog to be quiet.
Ignoring your dog’s barking will work for puppies, but will be less successful if your dog is a few weeks old. Puppy owners should also remember that puppies that have been brought to bed with them will cry more to get attention. This can damage a relationship.
In general, it is important to avoid exposing your dog to stressful situations. A barking dog is trying to communicate with you and is communicating what they need or want. It is also not helpful to punish your dog for barking because it doesn’t solve the underlying problem.
Praise And Reward
Using praise and reward to stop your dog from barking will help your dog learn to focus. If your dog is barking outside because of distractions, try giving him a treat or attention when he quiets down. Then, reward your dog when he sits or remains calm.
If your dog continues to bark, you should try giving different cues and a different tone of voice. Give your dog treats only if he stops barking for a certain amount of time. If you give praise and rewards too quickly, your dog will get confused and will continue to bark. If you do this repeatedly, you will only end up confusing your dog and disrupting your training.
Try rewarding your dog for calm behavior when it doesn’t bark. By using treats as a reward for being calm, your dog will learn to associate your absence from barking with good stuff. This will also train your dog to disengage when you see a trigger, such as a person or a dog. As a result, the amount of alert barking you see will decrease.